Health and Wellbeing

Your Ultimate Paddle Boarding Yoga Guide


Yoga offers so many incredible health benefits. And what better way to try out your skills than on a SUP?!

But if you’ve never tried yoga on a paddleboard before, the thought of balancing while floating on water can feel pretty scary. But with just a little practice, there’s no reason you can’t become a paddle boarding yoga pro. If you can master it on land, you can master it on a board! 

Here are some top tips to get you started, and a few key poses to try out. 

Getting Started with paddle boarding yoga

Use the right board

With the huge range of SUPs available, choosing the best option for yoga can feel tricky. Especially if you’re a newcomer. 

We’d always recommend the 10’8 Aura Fit. Specifically designed with paddle boarding yoga and pilates in mind, the extra-large deck pad provides all the space you need to feel comfortable and stable.

It’s also perfect for leisurely paddling! Its rounded nose and tail offers additional balance – ideal if you want to take a break from yoga and perfect your paddling skills. 

The 18’ Mammoth is a great choice for group paddle boarding yoga sessions, too.

Start slow

This might be a no-brainer, but it’s super important. If you already enjoy yoga on land, it can feel super tempting to throw yourself into paddle boarding yoga without being as careful as you should be.

Paddle boarding Yoga requires a slower approach. To put it bluntly, if you go into your moves too fast, you could end up head first in the water! 

Take things a little slower than you would on land, and make sure to control your breathing. After all, yoga is all about balance and slowing down the pace of life anyway, right? And SUP yoga can help you achieve just that.

Find the centre

You might hear this a lot during regular yoga classes, but this is MUCH truer when practising paddle boarding yoga. 

Make sure you’re placed right at the centre of your board. This not only makes sure your body is at the widest point for maximum space, but also helps you stay balanced throughout your session. 

Top tip: look for your SUP’s handle. This will be your centre point! 

A Girl doing Yoga on SUP

Paddle Boarding Yoga Poses

Downward-Facing Dog

Start in a table top pose, and slowly lift your hips up and back until your legs are straight. Drop and relax your head, and press into your thumbs and index fingers to avoid pressure on your wrists.

Girl doing Downward Yoga Pose on SUP

Upward-Facing Dog

Lie on your front and place your hands shoulder-width apart. Lift your chest, head, and shoulders, and make sure your hands are positioned back toward your ribs. 

For a more advanced move, try lifting your knees to further engage your quad muscles.

Girl doing Upward Yoga Pose on SUP

Child’s Pose

From a table top, bring your feet together and open your knees to the width of your board (or as wide as you can go!).

Lower your hips back, stretch your arms out straight, and rest your head on your SUP.

Girl doing Childs Yoga Pose

Bridge Pose

Lie on your back with your hands by your hips. Make sure your feet are flat against your board, and raise and bend your knees.

Press toward your palms and lift your hips up. Your body should resemble a straight diagonal line. 

Girl doing Bridge Yoga Pose

Forward Fold

Begin standing up with your feet at the centre. Keep a light bend in your knees, and lower your chest toward your thighs. Try to get as low as possible (without feeling un uncomfortable). 

Drop and hang your head, and grab opposite elbows with your hands. Alternatively, you can touch the paddleboard with the tips of your fingers. 

So, if you’ve never tried SUP yoga before, you’ve now got some top tips and a few simple poses to try. 

Girl doing Forward Fold Yoga Pose

Once you master your moves, we’d love to see your progress! Follow us on Instagram @bluefinsups and use #bluefinsup so we can see your pictures – and you may even get a feature on our page.

Jenny Buckley

Meet our organizational guru, a master of efficiency and structure, with a knack for storytelling and a love for exploring diverse topics.

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